Last Saturday was the first birthday of Selena. She's the daughter of my new friend and new neighbor Joan. Actually it was Jeff who is much closer to them because of their son Cho-cho who became Jeff's friend here in our shop. I was not able to capture pictures of Cho-cho's 7th birthday which was a pool party last month because I forgot to bring my cam. This time I make it appoint to put the camera in my bag before leaving our house.
It was a Jollibee kids party, Jeffrey and I attended a Bratz themed party too last Thursday for it was the birthday of his classmate Shane and so we knew what to expect in this kind of party. I took picture of the cake, a simple cake from Red Ribbon with pictures of the Bratz characters as background.
The party started with a prayer from one of the cousin of the celebrant.
As usual, after the prayer the most awaited part of the event for the kids was the game. Jeffrey was very excited for the games because he already knew most of the game mechanics. He bagged most of the prize in the "Bring Me" portion. hehehe.... There was a 100 bill in my wallet as well as a 1 dollar bill, a lipstick, a 5 pesos bill, etc. (Girlscout ako dati eh....Laging Handa!) hahaha...
A game portion for mommies was one of the most exciting part. Just see the smiles in the guests faces. This mom said that she looked better than Anne Curtis and she won the game... What do you think?
Jeffrey with friend Cho-cho
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